Saturday, October 22, 2005


I should be doing the dishes. I should be doing my laundry. I should be vaccuming the flat. I should be cleaning the bathroom.

I should be reading media releases. I should be replying to e-mails from people who have requested an interview on my show. I should be listening critically to the pile of new release CD's on my loungeroom floor and making notes about them for my MCV music column and for next week's radio program.

I should be joining a gym. I should be drinking less. I should be taking less speed. I should be eating better. I should be calling old friends. I should be making new friends.

I should be finding a boyfriend. I should either tell D. how I feel about him (how I've felt about him for the last two years while being a shoulder for him to cry on when his emotionally and psychologically abusive boyfriend was getting too much) or just walk away.

I should be rewriting my old novel. I should be starting a new novel. I should be writing new short stories. I should be submitting stories for publication. I should be pitching articles to editors. I should start reading the novels I brought back from overseas. I should read all the classic novels I've never read.

I should stop downloading porn. I should stop compulsively cruising internet chatrooms in the the hope that I'll miraculously meet Mr Right in cyberspace. I should get out of the house more.

I should see more art. I should go to more gigs. I should see more films. I should throw dinner parties. I should get my act together. I should get my shit together.

I should.

I should.

I should.


Gemnastics said...

Shud is a four letter word.
Tell us about D?

richardwatts said...

Tell you about D? Hmm, maybe one day...

Sean M Whelan said...

Ah, don't worry about it Rich. You gotta live some life to do some life. The trick is finding the balance. But I think I'll go clean up my room first before I try and work that trick out.